The story behind the creation of the Team Mica Fund:
“On December 16, 2011, I lost my best friend and cousin, Mica Breeden Martin, to suicide. On that day, I felt what it was like to lose a person whom I’ve shared almost every memory with for the past 29 years. My heart was empty, my soul felt lost. Every day has been a constant battle for me recalling all these memories over the years. It’s hard to imagine what the next 29 years will be like without her. In order for the special memories that not only I have, but each of you have of Mica to live on, I believe creating a fund in her name is the best way to make an impact in the community. Mica was always a self-less person and always thought of others. I couldn’t imagine a better way to memorialize her life than by helping those in need, both humans and our furry friends.” – Erin Hornsby Holcomb
The Team Mica Fund Launch Event was a huge success in 2013. To see all of the pictures, visit our Facebook Page.